Shipping and payment
Dear customers, we use the company GLS for the delivery of the shipments ordered by you. Payment for ordered goods can be made by bank transfer.
GLS Courier - payment by bank transfer - Poland, Slovakia - 5.00 €
GLS Courier - online payment card - Poland, Slovakia - 5.00 €
GLS Courier - payment by bank transfer - Austria, Germany, Hungary - 6.00 €
GLS Courier - online payment card - Austria, Germany, Hungary - 6.00 €
GLS Courier - payment by bank transfer - Belgium, Denmark, Croatia, Luxembourg, Netherland - 7.00 €
GLS Courier - online payment card - Belgium, Denmark, Croatia, Luxembourg, Netherland - 7.00 €
GLS Courier - payment by bank transfer - Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Slovenia - 9.00 €
GLS Courier - online payment card - Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Slovenia - 9.00 €
GLS Courier - payment by bank transfer - Bulgaria, France, Italy, Sweden - 11.00 €
GLS Courier - online payment card - Bulgaria, France, Italy, Sweden - 11.00 €
GLS Courier - payment by bank transfer - Spain, Portugal - 13.00 €
GLS Courier - online payment card - Spain, Portugal - 13.00 €
GLS Courier - payment by bank transfer - Finland, Switzerland, Ireland, Lichtenstein, Norway - 18.00 €
GLS Courier - online payment card - Finland, Switzerland, Ireland, Lichtenstein, Norway - 18.00 €
Online card payments when ordering take place through the payment gateway of the company ComGate Payments.
For all questions and complaints about online payments, please contact the payment gateway provider ComGate Payments, a.s.
ComGate Payments, a.s.
Gočárova třída 1754 / 48b, Hradec Králové
Tel: +420 228 224 267